A complete guide to MySQL data migration without downtime: consistency guarantee and practical solution analysis

MySQL Data Migration Knowledge Graph

MySQL Data Migration Knowledge Graph

1 Core Challenges and Technology Selection

1.1 Three major challenges of data migration

  • Business continuity requirements:Financial-grade services require 99.99% availability throughout the year
  • Data consistency guarantee: Amount data must be zero error (refer to the Central Bank's "Payment System Data Security Specification")
  • Incremental Sync Complexity: Synchronous delay control in the scenario of 10,000 TPS per second

1.2 Tool comparison matrix

Tool NameBackup TypeLock mechanismRecovery speedApplicable scenariosOfficial Documentation Link
mysqldumpLogical backupTable lockslowSmall and medium data migrationMySQL 8.0 Reference Manual
XtraBackupPhysical backupLock-free snapshotsquickMigrate TB-level dataPercona XtraBackup Docs
pt-table-syncData SynchronizationRow-level validationmediumData consistency repairPercona Toolkit Docs

1.3 Auto-increment primary key key parameters

-- View the current autoinc lock mode 
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_autoinc_lock_mode'; 

-- Modify parameters (requires restart) 
SET GLOBAL innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 1;

Parameter description (refer to MySQL official documentation):

  • 0: Traditional mode (the lock is released at the end of the INSERT statement)
  • 1: Continuous mode (default value, batch insertion remains continuous)
  • 2: Interleaved mode (high concurrency scenarios may produce gaps)

2 Detailed explanation of the four-phase migration plan

2.1 Data initialization phase

2.1.1 Physical backup solution

# Full backup (Percona XtraBackup)
innobackupex --user=backup --password=xxx --parallel=4 --compress /backup/ 

# Restore backup 
innobackupex --apply-log /backup/full/ innobackupex --copy-back /backup/full/

2.1.2 Logical backup optimization techniques

# Multi-threaded export (mydumper) 
mydumper -u root -p xxx -B db1 -T table1 -t 8 -o /backup/ 

# Fast import (set session-level parameters) 
mysql -h target_db -uroot -p db1 --init-command="SET SESSION foreign_key_checks=0; \ SET SESSION unique_checks=0; SET SESSION sql_log_bin=0;" < table1.sql

2.2 First data verification

2.2.1 Full Verification Solution

# Create a dedicated verification account (follow the principle of least privilege) 
CREATE USER 'checksum_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx'; GRANT SELECT, PROCESS, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'checksum_user'@'%'; 

# Execute verification (Percona Toolkit) 
pt-table-checksum --nocheck-replication-filters --no-check-binlog-format \ --databases=db1 --tables=target_table h=source_host,u=checksum_user,p=xxx

2.2.2 Difference repair process

pt-table-sync --execute --verbose --transaction --print \
h=source_host,D=db1,t=target_table h=target_host,u=admin,p=xxx

2.3 Incremental synchronization phase

2.3.1 Binlog monitoring solution

# Python example (mysql-replication library) 
from pymysqlreplication import BinLogStreamReader

stream = BinLogStreamReader(
        "host": "source_host",
        "port": 3306,
        "user": "repl",
        "passwd": "xxx"
    only_events=[WriteRowsEvent, UpdateRowsEvent, DeleteRowsEvent]

for binlogevent in stream:
    for row in binlogevent.rows:
        process_event(row) # Custom processing logic

2.3.2 Double write implementation example (Java Spring)

public class DoubleWriteAspect {

    private String writeMode;

    @Around("execution(* com.example.repository.*.save*(..))")
    public Object aroundWrite(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
        Object entity = pjp.getArgs()[0];

        } else if("TARGET_FIRST".equals(writeMode)){

        return pjp.proceed();

2.4 Traffic switching phase

2.4.1 Gradual Switching Solution

  1. Grayscale release: Gradually cut the flow according to the ratio of 5% through the configuration center
  2. Real-time monitoring: Monitor the following core indicators:
    • Target database QPS growth rate
    • Master-slave replication delay (Seconds_Behind_Master)
    • Number of slow queries (Slow_queries)
  3. Abnormal fuse: Set the automatic rollback threshold:
    # Monitoring Rule Example (Prometheus) 
    - alert: MigrationErrorRateHigh
     expr: increase(migration_errors_total[1m]) > 10
     for: 2m

3 Best Practices for Production Environments

3.1 Index Optimization Strategy

-- Disable secondary indexes during migration 

-- Rebuild indexes after data import (Online DDL) 
ALTER TABLE target_table ADD INDEX idx_name (col_name) ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE;

3.2 Connection Pool Configuration

# HikariCP configuration example
      maximum-pool-size: 50 -> 100
      connection-timeout: 3000 -> 10000
      leak-detection-threshold: 60000
      keepalive-time: 30000

3.3 Monitoring indicator list

Indicator nameMonitoring ThresholdsAlert strategy
Master-slave delay time>30 secondsEnterprise WeChat/DingTalk Alert
Number of thread connections>max_connections*0.8Automatically expand the connection pool
InnoDB Buffer Pool Hit Ratio<95%Optimize queries or expand memory capacity
Number of verification differences>0Triggering the automatic repair process

4 Typical troubleshooting solutions

4.1 Primary key conflict exception

Phenomenon:Duplicate entry 'xxx' for key 'PRIMARY'

  1. Pause incremental synchronization process
  2. Fix conflicting data:
    REPLACE INTO target_table SELECT * FROM source_table WHERE id=xxx;
  3. Reset the auto-increment sequence:
    ALTER TABLE target_table AUTO_INCREMENT = (SELECT MAX(id)+1000 FROM source_table);

4.2 Data Drift Problem

Troubleshooting steps:

  1. Establish three time point controls:
    • T1: Full backup time point
    • T2: Incremental synchronization start time
    • T3: Current time point
  2. To perform differential analysis:
    pt-table-checksum --since='T1' --until='T2' h=source_host
    pt-table-checksum --since='T2' h=source_host

5 Evolution direction and further reading

5.1 Intelligent verification system

  • Machine Learning Prediction: Training prediction models based on historical difference data
  • Dynamic sampling calibration: Automatically enable sampling validation strategy for large tables (reference paper "Efficient Data Validation for Large Databases")

5.2 Recommended Reading

  1. MySQL official manual:Data Migration Techniques
  2. Percona Blog:Zero-Downtime MySQL Schema Changes
  3. Alibaba Cloud Technical White Paper: Financial-Grade Data Migration Specifications

It is recommended to conduct at least three full-process drills before each major migration and establish a comprehensive emergency plan to ensure that the rollback can be completed within 30 minutes in extreme cases.

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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd
Little Dinosaur