MySQL Data Migration Knowledge Graph
1 Core Challenges and Technology Selection
1.1 Three major challenges of data migration
- Business continuity requirements:Financial-grade services require 99.99% availability throughout the year
- Data consistency guarantee: Amount data must be zero error (refer to the Central Bank's "Payment System Data Security Specification")
- Incremental Sync Complexity: Synchronous delay control in the scenario of 10,000 TPS per second
1.2 Tool comparison matrix
Tool Name | Backup Type | Lock mechanism | Recovery speed | Applicable scenarios | Official Documentation Link |
mysqldump | Logical backup | Table lock | slow | Small and medium data migration | MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual |
XtraBackup | Physical backup | Lock-free snapshots | quick | Migrate TB-level data | Percona XtraBackup Docs |
pt-table-sync | Data Synchronization | Row-level validation | medium | Data consistency repair | Percona Toolkit Docs |
1.3 Auto-increment primary key key parameters
-- View the current autoinc lock mode
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_autoinc_lock_mode';
-- Modify parameters (requires restart)
SET GLOBAL innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 1;
Parameter description (refer to MySQL official documentation):
- 0: Traditional mode (the lock is released at the end of the INSERT statement)
- 1: Continuous mode (default value, batch insertion remains continuous)
- 2: Interleaved mode (high concurrency scenarios may produce gaps)
2 Detailed explanation of the four-phase migration plan
2.1 Data initialization phase
2.1.1 Physical backup solution
# Full backup (Percona XtraBackup)
innobackupex --user=backup --password=xxx --parallel=4 --compress /backup/
# Restore backup
innobackupex --apply-log /backup/full/ innobackupex --copy-back /backup/full/
2.1.2 Logical backup optimization techniques
# Multi-threaded export (mydumper)
mydumper -u root -p xxx -B db1 -T table1 -t 8 -o /backup/
# Fast import (set session-level parameters)
mysql -h target_db -uroot -p db1 --init-command="SET SESSION foreign_key_checks=0; \ SET SESSION unique_checks=0; SET SESSION sql_log_bin=0;" < table1.sql
2.2 First data verification
2.2.1 Full Verification Solution
# Create a dedicated verification account (follow the principle of least privilege)
CREATE USER 'checksum_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxx'; GRANT SELECT, PROCESS, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'checksum_user'@'%';
# Execute verification (Percona Toolkit)
pt-table-checksum --nocheck-replication-filters --no-check-binlog-format \ --databases=db1 --tables=target_table h=source_host,u=checksum_user,p=xxx
2.2.2 Difference repair process
pt-table-sync --execute --verbose --transaction --print \
h=source_host,D=db1,t=target_table h=target_host,u=admin,p=xxx
2.3 Incremental synchronization phase
2.3.1 Binlog monitoring solution
# Python example (mysql-replication library)
from pymysqlreplication import BinLogStreamReader
stream = BinLogStreamReader(
"host": "source_host",
"port": 3306,
"user": "repl",
"passwd": "xxx"
only_events=[WriteRowsEvent, UpdateRowsEvent, DeleteRowsEvent]
for binlogevent in stream:
for row in binlogevent.rows:
process_event(row) # Custom processing logic
2.3.2 Double write implementation example (Java Spring)
public class DoubleWriteAspect {
private String writeMode;
@Around("execution(* com.example.repository.*.save*(..))")
public Object aroundWrite(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
Object entity = pjp.getArgs()[0];
} else if("TARGET_FIRST".equals(writeMode)){
return pjp.proceed();
2.4 Traffic switching phase
2.4.1 Gradual Switching Solution
- Grayscale release: Gradually cut the flow according to the ratio of 5% through the configuration center
- Real-time monitoring: Monitor the following core indicators:
- Target database QPS growth rate
- Master-slave replication delay (Seconds_Behind_Master)
- Number of slow queries (Slow_queries)
- Abnormal fuse: Set the automatic rollback threshold:
# Monitoring Rule Example (Prometheus) - alert: MigrationErrorRateHigh expr: increase(migration_errors_total[1m]) > 10 for: 2m
3 Best Practices for Production Environments
3.1 Index Optimization Strategy
-- Disable secondary indexes during migration
-- Rebuild indexes after data import (Online DDL)
ALTER TABLE target_table ADD INDEX idx_name (col_name) ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE;
3.2 Connection Pool Configuration
# HikariCP configuration example
maximum-pool-size: 50 -> 100
connection-timeout: 3000 -> 10000
leak-detection-threshold: 60000
keepalive-time: 30000
3.3 Monitoring indicator list
Indicator name | Monitoring Thresholds | Alert strategy |
Master-slave delay time | >30 seconds | Enterprise WeChat/DingTalk Alert |
Number of thread connections | >max_connections*0.8 | Automatically expand the connection pool |
InnoDB Buffer Pool Hit Ratio | <95% | Optimize queries or expand memory capacity |
Number of verification differences | >0 | Triggering the automatic repair process |
4 Typical troubleshooting solutions
4.1 Primary key conflict exception
Phenomenon:Duplicate entry 'xxx' for key 'PRIMARY'
- Pause incremental synchronization process
- Fix conflicting data:
REPLACE INTO target_table SELECT * FROM source_table WHERE id=xxx;
- Reset the auto-increment sequence:
ALTER TABLE target_table AUTO_INCREMENT = (SELECT MAX(id)+1000 FROM source_table);
4.2 Data Drift Problem
Troubleshooting steps:
- Establish three time point controls:
- T1: Full backup time point
- T2: Incremental synchronization start time
- T3: Current time point
- To perform differential analysis:
pt-table-checksum --since='T1' --until='T2' h=source_host pt-table-checksum --since='T2' h=source_host
5 Evolution direction and further reading
5.1 Intelligent verification system
- Machine Learning Prediction: Training prediction models based on historical difference data
- Dynamic sampling calibration: Automatically enable sampling validation strategy for large tables (reference paper "Efficient Data Validation for Large Databases")
5.2 Recommended Reading
- MySQL official manual:Data Migration Techniques
- Percona Blog:Zero-Downtime MySQL Schema Changes
- Alibaba Cloud Technical White Paper: Financial-Grade Data Migration Specifications
It is recommended to conduct at least three full-process drills before each major migration and establish a comprehensive emergency plan to ensure that the rollback can be completed within 30 minutes in extreme cases.