Protocol Buffers basic introduction and basic syntax
In modern software development, data exchange and storage are crucial, and choosing the right serialization protocol is of great significance to improving performance and efficiency. Protocol Buffers (commonly known as Protobuf) is a language-neutral, platform-neutral, and extensible method for serializing structured data developed by Google. This article will introduce the basic concepts of Protocol Buffers, the differences from other serialization protocols, the basic syntax, and provide sample code to help you get started quickly.
1. What are Protocol Buffers?
Protocol Buffers is a lightweight serialization format that is mainly used for serialization and deserialization of structured data. It allows developers to define data structures and then automatically generate code to transfer data between multiple programming languages.
1.1 Features
- Efficient: Protobuf uses a compact binary format that is smaller and faster to store and transmit than other text formats such as JSON and XML.
- Language neutral: Supports multiple programming languages, including C++, Java, Python, Go, Ruby, etc.
- Backward Compatibility: Allows you to modify the data structure without disrupting existing services, and supports the addition and removal of fields.
- Easy to use: Use concise syntax to define data structures and automatically generate corresponding code.
2. Differences between Protocol Buffers and other serialization protocols
When choosing a serialization protocol, it is important to understand the pros and cons of different protocols. Here is a comparison of Protocol Buffers with other common serialization protocols:
2.1 Comparison with JSON
- Format: JSON is a text format that is easy to read and debug; while Protobuf is a binary format that is more compact but not easy for humans to read directly.
- performance: Protobuf generally outperforms JSON in serialization and deserialization performance, especially when dealing with large amounts of data.
- Data type support: JSON supports basic data types, while Protobuf provides more data type support, such as enumeration, nested structures, etc.
- Schema: Protobuf enforces the definition of data structure (schema), while JSON is schema-less.
2.2 Comparison with XML
- Format: XML is a text format with a complex and lengthy structure; Protobuf uses a binary format and the data is more compact.
- Parsing speed: Protobuf is usually parsed faster than XML because XML requires the parser to process tags and attributes.
- Type Safety: Protobuf provides type definitions to ensure data security, while XML is just a string without type restrictions.
- Usage scenarios: Although XML is more suitable for representing document-type data, Protobuf is more suitable in terms of efficient network communication and storage.
3. Basic syntax of Protocol Buffers
3.1 Defining Data Structure
Using Protobuf requires defining .proto
Files that describe data structures and their types. The following is a simple .proto
File example:
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
// define a message
message Person {
string name = 1; // name
int32 id = 2; // ID
string email = 3; // email address
3.2 Syntax Parsing
- Syntax version:
syntax = "proto3";
Specifies the Protobuf syntax version to use. The latest one is proto3. - Package Name:
package example;
Defines the package to which the message belongs. - Message Type:use
Keywords define a message, similar to a class definition. - Fields: Each field has a type, a name, and a unique numeric identifier. The identifier is used to distinguish the fields during serialization.
3.3 Basic Data Types
Protobuf supports a variety of basic data types, including:
: 32-bit integerint64
: 64-bit integeruint32
: Unsigned 32-bit integeruint64
: Unsigned 64-bit integersint32
: Signed 32-bit integer, using ZigZag encodingsint64
: Signed 64-bit integerfixed32
: Fixed-length integerbool
: Booleanstring
: stringbytes
: byte array
3.4 Nested Messages and Enumerations
Protobuf also supports nested messages and enumeration types. Here are some examples:
message Company {
string name = 1;
repeated Person employees = 2; // Multiple employees
enum Role {
- Nested messages:use
The keyword indicates that a field can contain multiple values (like an array). - enumerate:use
Define a finite set of values to conveniently represent states or roles.
4. Examples of using Protocol Buffers
4.1 Installing Protocol Buffers
First, make sure you have the Protocol Buffers compiler installed. protoc
And the corresponding language plugin. Take Go as an example:
# Install protoc
sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler
# Install Go plugin
go install
4.2 Create a sample project
Create a simple Protobuf sample project structure:
├── proto/
│ └── example.proto
├── main.go
4.3 Defining Data Structure
exist proto/example.proto
The data structure is defined in:
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
message Person {
string name = 1;
int32 id = 2;
string email = 3;
4.4 Generating Code
Generate Go code in the project directory:
protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. proto/example.proto
4.5 Implementation Code
exist main.go
Serialization and deserialization are implemented in:
package main
import (
pb "protobuf-example/proto"
func main() {
// Create a Person instance
person := &pb.Person{
Name: "ivanzhang",
Id: 101,
Email: "",
// Serialize
data, err := proto.Marshal(person)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to marshal: %v", err)
// Deserialize
newPerson := &pb.Person{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(data, newPerson); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to unmarshal: %v", err)
// Output result
log.Printf("Name: %s, ID: %d, Email: %s", newPerson.Name, newPerson.Id, newPerson.Email)
4.6 Run the example
Run the code in the project directory:
go run main.go
Name: ivanzhang, ID: 101, Email:
V. Conclusion
Protocol Buffers is an efficient and flexible serialization protocol suitable for data transmission in modern applications. This article introduces the basic concepts of Protocol Buffers, comparison with other serialization protocols, basic syntax and sample code. By mastering Protobuf, you can process structured data more efficiently and improve the performance and reliability of network communication.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below. Thanks for reading! I hope this article can help you better understand and use Protocol Buffers.
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