Tag: Master-slave data synchronization

2 Posts

A complete guide to MySQL data migration without downtime: consistency guarantee and practical solution analysis
MySQL数据迁移知识图谱 1 核心挑战与技术选型 1.1 数据迁移三大难题 业务连续性要求:金融级业务要求全年可用性99.99% 数据一致性保障:金额类数据必须零误差(参考央行《支付系统数据安全规范》) 增量同步复杂性:每秒万级TPS场景下的同步延迟控制 1.2 工具对比矩阵 工具名称 备份类型 锁机制 恢复速度 适用场景 官方文档链接 mysq…
Will data be lost after a database transaction is committed? In-depth analysis of persistence mechanisms and optimization solutions
Introduction In database systems, transaction durability is the most critical part of the ACID feature. It promises that once a transaction is successfully committed, the modified data will take effect permanently, and the data will not be lost even if the system crashes or hardware fails. However, the realization of this promise is not as simple as it seems. Will the data really not be lost after the transaction is committed? This depends on the database's internal log mechanism, persistence strategy, distributed architecture design, and hardware redundancy capabilities. This article will start from a single...