Tag: Mediator Pattern

4 Posts

In-depth analysis of the implementation and application of the Chain of Responsibility Pattern in Golang
In a complex system, some requests need to be processed by multiple objects, and these objects may have different processing logic. If we use conditional statements in each object to handle these requests, it will not only increase the complexity of the code, but also make the system difficult to maintain. The Chain of Responsibility Pattern elegantly solves this problem by passing requests along the processing chain to achieve decoupling between objects. This article will introduce the Chain of Responsibility Pattern in detail...
In-depth analysis of Go design pattern Command Pattern (Command Pattern) implementation and application in Golang
In complex software systems, we often need to encapsulate requests as objects to support functions such as parameterization, cancellation, and queuing of requests. The Command Pattern provides an elegant solution to this requirement. It is a behavioral design pattern that decouples requests from executors by encapsulating requests as objects. This article will introduce the concept of the Command Pattern, the difference from other similar patterns, the problems it solves, its implementation in Golang, and the precautions in actual development. …
In-depth analysis of the implementation and application of the Observer Pattern in Golang
In complex software systems, we often encounter a scenario where when the state of an object changes, other objects need to be notified so that they can react accordingly. If dependencies are established directly between these objects, the coupling of the system will increase significantly and the code will become difficult to maintain. The Observer Pattern helps us solve this problem elegantly through the publish-subscribe method. This article will introduce the concept of the Observer Pattern, the difference between it and other similar patterns, and how to solve it.
In-depth analysis of the implementation and application of the Mediator Pattern in Golang
In complex systems, objects often need to communicate with each other frequently. If objects directly reference and depend on each other, the system will become complex and difficult to maintain. In order to solve this coupling problem, the Mediator Pattern came into being. The Mediator Pattern introduces an independent mediator object to manage the interaction between objects, thereby reducing the direct dependency between objects and making the system more flexible. This article will introduce the concept of the Mediator Pattern, the difference from other similar patterns, and the problems it solves.